Fall in love with art not people.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Stress is something as a college student I’m painfully familiar with. Stress and I seem to be life long partners considering I don’t remember a time in my life where I wasn't drowning in it. I always seem to be stressed out even if I have no real reason for it. Sometimes I’m just stressed out because I’m making things out to be worse in my mind which in translation stresses me out. As for currently though I am under a lot of pressure and strict time management which in return causes stress for me. I am trying to balance a job that I’m pushing 30 to 35 hours a week at along with going to school for 15 credit hours. Also I’m experiencing a lot of changes in my social life with growing older and taking on more responsibilities. I have come to the realization that I need an outlet for when things get particularly stressful considering a bubble bath with some classical music doesn't cut it anymore and drinking away the stress is probably not the healthiest way of surviving. I am still in search of this activity to calm me down because no matter what it ends up being it has to corporate with my crazy schedule. While having 15 hour days its hard to find something to do to relax and calm my racing thoughts. Now do I agree that stress can be seen as a good thing? Not entirely. Its hard to believe that when someone like me is on the verge of a panic attack because of stress that it could be a positive outlet. To me it is seen as a burden. A burden that just refuses to go away.

Currently my conflict in my life is time. I feel as if time is not on my side with my schedule. Time is the thing that stresses me out more than anything. I’m in constant worry that with school, work, and my social life that there is simply not enough time in the day to help me accomplish everything I want to. With my schedule being the way that it is I have had to sacrifice sleep in order to have a sort of balance in my life yet in return to getting no sleep I’m sluggish and everything takes longer. With everything taking longer I then use up more time than wanted and I lose even more sleep because of it. The circle is never ending and I worry that I am going to regret living this way when I’m suppose to be the happiest and carefree at this point in my life. I wish more than anything I could not be in conflict with time and be carefree like I hope to be. Pulling 15 and 16 hour days constantly without breaks can be very time consuming. As soon as I get home I just want to curl up in a ball and forget the day yet I can't do that. Instead  I’m left with having to let my friends know I’m still alive and also find time to do homework. By the end of all of this it is 1am and I have to be up in 5 hours to reduce the day previous.

Currently my conflict in life is individuals lack of time management. I feel as if I am looked at as an option and that if someone attempts to not think about me I do not have a limit and can be avoided. Procrastinators think that I do not even exist. Yet here I am still not limitless. No one wants to face the fact that I only offer 24 hours a day and that I only offer a certain numbers of days to each person. I can not control if someone wants time to fast forward or rewind. I simple move in the same beat with each strike of the clock. No matter your age or schedule I do not discriminate. Everyone in the world has the same 24 hours as the person next to them. It is up to the individual what they decide to do with it.

I see a girl that is in battle with time. Time doesn't bend the rules for her so in return she is angry. She

yells that her schedule is too packed and that she needs just a few more hours to make everything

click together yet time doesn't listen. Time just continues at the same beat counting down to the end

of each day.

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