Fall in love with art not people.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015



I believe that kindness is something that we all must strive for. That no matter how intense our human instinct is we must strive to be kind to each other. I think when we are confronted with things that make us uncomfortable or something that we previously were taught was wrong we as humans tend to lash out in ways that are far from kind. I know I myself who is an extremely accepting individual sometimes resorts to feelings and actions other than kindness when dealing with situations I don't understand or approve of. Ultimately I believe that the saying kill them with kindness is very accurate. Also I believe you should treat others how you wish to be treated. How can one expect to be treated with respect and kindness when they themselves are constantly so incredibly rude to others? Not everyone can have the self control to kill someone like that with kindness. Instead they will treat that type of person equally if not worse. Thats where we get this never ending circle of people treating someone badly, then the next one treats them worse, then the next person treats them badly, then so on and so forth. I know most of my life I struggle with constantly being a kind person. I’ve had situations in my life where when I was kind it lead to me being taken advantage of or in a situation that I did not want to be in. Then its moments like that is when I question that is kindness to everyone a good idea? I never want to be in those types of situations again.

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